Summer Youth/Adult Classes & Sessions

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At the Dance Center at Severna Park

We offer a variety of dance classes and sessions to train even the youngest dancers in the fundamentals of ballet, tap, and jazz. Our youth classes are year-long in nature and culminate in an end of year recital. Our youth session classes offer training in shorter durations, culminating in a classroom performance at the end of each session. Class/age levels are used as a guide for placement. Teacher discretion will be used to determine final placement

For beginner classes, they will perform a ballet and tap dance. For more experienced classes, students will perform a ballet, tap, and jazz dance. Specialty classes can be taken in addition to the core ballet/tap/jazz class for more experienced dancers.

First-time attendees can also try a class or session for free! Register your child here.

*Session classes may be canceled if minimums are not met.

Summer Classes & Sessions

I Can Dance (session)

Age: 3 – 5 years old
Attire: Girls must wear a pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and have their hair secured neatly in a bun. Boys must wear black pants, a white slightly fitted t-shirt, black ballet shoes, and black tap shoes.

This session teaches the basic elements of ballet and tap in a structured environment. The session also includes work with rhythms and some tumbling. Dancers learn to stand in line, follow directions, wait their turns, and how to be a good audience. They will also learn simple dance terms such as plie, releve, and tendu. Students must be fully potty-trained to participate.

 I Can Dance | Saturday | 9:30-10:30 am - Register 

I Can Dance | Thursday | 9:00-10:00 am (Session 2 Only) - Register 

I Can Dance | Thursday | 5:30-6:30 pm - Register 

Elementary School Dance (Ages 6 & Up)

Elementary School Ballet & Tap | Thursday | 6:30-7:30 pm - Register 

Kids Hip Hop | Tuesday | 6:00-7:00 pm - Register

Kids (Ages 11 & Up)

Age: Ages 11 & Up

Ballet | Monday | 6:00-7:00 pm - Register 

Ballet | Wednesday | 5:30-6:30 pm - Register 

Leaps and Turns | Wednesday | 5:30-6:30 pm - Register 

Lyrical | Wednesday | 6:30-7:30 pm - Register

Pilates for Dancers | Tuesday | 7:00-8:00 pm - Register

Adult Summer Dance Sessions (Ages 16 & Up)

Age: 16 & Up

Adult Ballet| Tuesday | 6:00 - 7:00 pm - Register 

Adult Jazz | Tuesday | 7:00 - 8:00 pm - Register

Adult Tap | Monday | 7:00 - 8:00 pm - Register


For additional information on classes not listed here, please contact